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Liven up your designs with animations?

Digital environments we use daily can often feel a little cold and static, especially considering that the real world is constantly in motion. Animated graphics can carry a lot of information, that may be harder or take longer to describe in words or simple static imagery. While illustrations are often used to compliment text and make it more digestible.

World Usability Day Estonia 2019 conference

WUD Tallinn conference is the largest user experience design event in the Baltics and will take place for the 12th time this year. Practical workshops will take place the day before and after the conference. This year, the event brings together more than 600 designers, students, developers and those interested in innovative services.

Accessible web - for whom and why?

Imagine how frustrating it is to land on a website you can’t use. That’s what over 57 million people experience every day when visiting websites that seem to have decent enough user interface and user experience. Mari-Ell Mets is one of the web accessibility experts in Estonia and we asked her why we should invest in website accessibility and what it is in the first place. Mari-Ell Mets is one of the accessibility experts in Estonia.